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5:30 p.m. - January 30, 2002
the shallow things...
Memories which I have to change identifying details on, for fear of embarrassing more than just myself:
Junior year.
Calling him 'my bitch' as a running mutual joke for too long, before realizing suddenly in a flash of light that in fact, I was becoming his bitch. Then actually having someone else, later, who would have been my bitch had I not dumped him, which was the right choice because he hit it off instantly with someone having the initials J.M.
Running into a sexy man in the hallway, exclaiming the rest of the day how sexy he was, and then, later, running into him having a chill conversation with my best friend. I pulled her off to the side. Turns out Sexy Man was the same Sexy Man she'd been talking about for weeks.
Sophomore year.
The music library.
Eschewing the cafeteria for the much more fun activity of corrupting each other in the very same music library.
Freshman year.
Sitting on a grassy corner, bikes splayed next to us, trying to pretend like we weren't watching the house across the street, that we had a legitimate reason for randomly sitting on a residential street corner for hours at a time.
Perched on the bleachers watching the boys' soccer team practice.. 'I TOLD you he wore a bun...' well, it was just the flippy-under kind. (Ironically, visiting colleges two years later, I not only ran into this boy half-naked in the bathroom, but heard stories about his mixed-gender orgies in his dorm room. Whatever keeps your motor running...)
Walking a very specific way to be picked up after school, as well as to band. I would leave English class at exactly forty seconds after the bell, then marvel at my impeccable timing every day as I walked an inconspicuous ten yards behind him.
Tripping over him hiding beneath the marimba.
Eighth grade picnics.
Seventh grade science teachers saying that we secretly must be one person in two bodies and she didn't think she'd ever seen us away from each other, walking away, shaking her head in dismay.

Oh, wait, I just stopped caring. Maybe later...


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