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08:56 - October 10, 2002
get going
Last night reminded me of why people really do drugs.... none of this 'because it's the cool thing' shit that I recognize in everyone else around me (read: roommates, boozehounds), but because it makes you happy. Isn't that the point? To make you feel better? Not more interesting, not sicker, not hungrier, but better? I'm not speaking personally, though I wish I was. Andrew was sitting on the couch, smiling lazily at the ceiling, and suddenly he sat up perfectly straight and laughed and got up and spun around and sat back down and said to Chris, 'Dude, come over here,' with open arms.
Chris, not drunk enough yet, said, 'No way. Why?'
'Because I'm so happy! I love everyone! I want to hug you both at the same time!'
'Oh,' said Chris, and backed further away, but that's not the point, the point was you hardly ever see people that happy.

The only weird thing was when they were asking me if I had a crush on the guy that lives on the ninth floor, and I admitted to it even though I know they both have big mouths, but fuck it, this is college, and they both went silent and uncomfortable and shuffled their feet around on the floor and didn't mention it. I hope to God there's no sexual tension here because that's what I love about these guys; complete lack of it.

Anyway, it's fall break. There is nobody on campus. You'd think, that with a break consisting of Thursday, Friday, and the weekend, people wouldn't be flying to the opposite coast, ultimately spending more time on the plane and getting to Denver International, which is in Kansas, than actually being at home. However, I know at least three people from New York who have gone home. Everyone has left. So I'm not sure if the buses are running, which means a three mile walk to campus for my composition lesson... fun! And if that's the case, I'd better get going.


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