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9:11 p.m. - September 24, 2001
the cosmos plot again
Every time Mike draws a bunny, it ends up looking like Monica Lewinsky. Somebody, please, tell him rabbits don't have eyebrows and lips.

And somebody please tell me I'm not the only poor sap going to Homecoming simply because I've had a terrible time of it the last three years and don't want the whole Homecoming experience to end on a bad note. One out of four has to happen, right? I won't get thrown up on by drunk girls, or rip my dress, or watch my objet d'affection dancing and laughing with twenty million other girls. It can't happen again. Right? Either way, I've already paid my five dollars for it, so the cosmos are already planning my doom. Ha.

I apologize for my last entry, its whining hysteria, and to anyone who had to try and figure it out. Bottom line is: I'm feeling inferior and low-end per the graduating senior pool. Isn't everyone? We think the eighties signia of 'go go go be the best be the best never rest' is over. It isn't, we've just learned to be subtle. But I won't start.

Brian put up The Demented Cartoon Movie, which everyone must go watch. Admittedly, it hurts your head, but so did Fight Club, didn't it? And Fight Club didn't have Fooby, now, did it?

I hadn't thought so.

Nor do I have time to use my brain or even try and be profound, or write poetry, or write rants, or be insightful. All I want to do is sleep. Everyone should understand that.


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