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14:41 - September 22, 2002
blah blah
My away message was 'raising my elevation'. By that I meant, of course, that I was taking silly risks and dangling over cliffs, but I hadn't taken into account that Matt would be even worse than me. He scrambled into dark caves, swung his feet over plunging abysses, slid down rock faces on his ass, and had me take pictures of him often, probably so if he died, he'd have a picture of why, and everyone would know that it wasn't a boring death. Or something. Either way, it was fun. We brought Cheez-Its up this time, and fed them to panting hikers on the way down with their dogs. When they didn't think the crazy kids were trying to poison them, they ate gratefully.

Later that night I watched Trainspotting, but I don't remember it. Maybe it was because I was slightly high, but I don't think anything really happened in it. Some people did some heroin and then a baby died and then they walked around and fought and then did more heroin, then quit doing heroin, then sold heroin, and then it was over. I've read the book, and I suppose the book is kind of like that too, but you just can't make a good movie out of a good book when the good book's plus is that it uses words exceptionally well. And I'll still be damned if I know how they pulled off A Clockwork Orange.

I must go do theory homework now. And incidentally, I'm annoying, because I was complaining about nobody touching and when someone starts touching I scrunch up beneath the down blanket and put my hands over my face and don't let him near. Anyway. Theory homework.


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