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8:37 p.m. - April 02, 2002
Special K
All right, I spent altogether too much time taking insipid online tests, but I don't actually have anything to post, so I'll paste the Email I wrote to a friend about a trippy dream I had involving him. Enjoy. (<--Erik is infiltrating my mind: out!)

'We were IMing (why do I have dreams about aol? how much of a loser does this suggest I am?) and your screen name wasn't S______, it was SpecialK, and I was thinking how utterly fitting it was that your screen name was a drug. We were talking about all sorts of shit, as usual, some of which I remember distinctly as being banter about Garfield being a telephone-hog and what we were going to do about it and how much money he would accept to remove his orange-striped ass from the telephone. Anyway, so you took your sweet time getting around to telling me that you were actually in Round Lake Beach, IL, at the moment, (which is a tiny town about an hour from here), and I could drive over and come visit if I wanted, but I couldn't stay the night (it was about 10PM) because Maia would get angry about me making her blankets smelling like weed. So I told Camille (who had appeared from nowhere) that I had to shower right quick (we were all speaking in British accents; why? I don't know) and then my dad and I would be over in a jiffy (we actually said that, yes) to pick her up as well.
However, I took so long with my shower that Camille got fed up and drove over without me. 15 minutes later, she called me on our two way radio (????) to tell me that you weren't there, but had left a sign on the door saying that you'd gone out drinking and wouldn't be back 'til the next day, and could we come back then instead? She was incredibly pissed off, and kept ranting about how 'typical, typical, typical' of you it was to run off like that, ('inconsiderate! that fucking boy. i don't know why i even bother sometimes, blah blah blah...') so I said I would just drive over there and sit on your doorstep and yell at you when you came back, to avenge her, and she could stay with me if she wanted. She said she'd wasted enough time, and drove away in a huff. I think she reappeared later, but I can't quite recall.
So I sat down on the doorstep and in a minute or two you came back because you'd forgotten your jacket. Then you sort of gestured toward the living room and said, 'Have a seat," and then sat down all the way across the room and looked warily around you, like something was about to come crashing through the window and strangle you with your own hair.
I hardly talked, I don't remember why, I think because I was too busy thinking about the fact that you must be thinking I was ugly, which is stupid in retrospect, but was a valid dream-reason. I sort of mumbled that I was cold and was going to get a blanket, but you said I couldn't have one because it was your special electric blanket and I was going to get it smelling like weed and Maia was going to find out and be angry, and also not to touch you, in case I was thinking about it in the first place. So I sat back down and was thinking about how I ought to push your chair backwards out the window, but also not to forget that the guy I'd come to visit was hidden in there somewhere. So, rather than doing that, I sat on the couch, staring, and the sun got brighter and brighter because it was sunrise and when my vision was completely white, I fell out of my bed and my clock was blinking: 4:55.'

And the test results:

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

I am 23% legit

I'm so like angelica!
I'm Angelica, who are you? by Dru & Lexi


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