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21:11 - October 01, 2002
Hemp ice cream.... wooooooooo. Hemp ice cream being passed out of plastic bags by old hippies with long grey beards and twinkly Santa Claus eyes... WOOOOOOO.
Colorado is the number one state in the union for marijuana use, according to surveys conducted in the past ten years. There was a rally in the math building, of all buildings, for legalization of marijuana. Ken Gorman slouched around at the math lectern and gave a speech basically consisting of three main points; Fuck legal officials, marijuana cures cancer, and New Guinea has the best weed. With an aside on how to pass a 'piss test'. See, I'm not even a big enough smoker to go to these kinds of things, really. I mean the beaded dreadlocked bearded hairy smelly guys sitting next to me made me laugh, not raise my fist in any sort of solidarity. I'm all for the cause, though. Legalization is the only fair thing to do, anyhow, and the most productive in the long run. Explaining this becomes tiring, and I'm slightly off from the hemp ice cream which is just starting to kick in, so just go to, he was the speaker.

My physics teacher got bored in class today so instead of lecturing he got a squirt gun and demonstrated water pressure by way of spraying the walls of the classroom until they were soaking wet. Seemed to relax him a bit.


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