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7:39 p.m. - October 11, 2001
thinking of parties at work...
This is the first update I've done from work in awhile, but everybody's too busy to watch the Demented Cartoon Movie with me, Jason has already taken the Gay Test, the Ass Test, and the Slut Test, and Mike won't get up and fashion another basketball hoop out of old slide swabs. So I must be content to sit and update... I don't do it well here, since every five seconds somebody pops over my shoulder to ask what I'm doing, unless they're Jarrard, in which case they yell at me nonstop for a half an hour about taking ecstasy . They they simply.. peer .....

The costume party is well on its way. We started handing out invitations today, the invitations that took me forever to fashion 'just right' for Maria. Plus, I've still got to get my vampire costume and fight off Camille from pouncing on me with fake fangs and making me put them in. She doesn't believe they gag me. Maria will be an angel, which will be quite amusing when she's in costume singing 'Angelfuck' onstage with No Morals, her band, dressed to the quick in white frothy material and a halo. It's perfect for her personality, actually.

Danielle will be a pixie. We think Jerome should be Satan, but he claims he's a man of god, so to retaliate, we're going to dress him in drag. Well.. maybe not. Erik would be funnier in drag, except he won't let us. Dan With The Fuzzy Hair would let us, except he's got a better idea. I hope I didn't forget anyone passing out the invitations. If you're reading this and you don't get one by next week and you think you should have, let me know! I'm not usually like this, but I'm paranoid about hurting people's feelings. I keep remembering Cotillion every year, seeing everybody else with invitations and me being exceedingly ticked and pretending not to be. Granted, this is no Cotillion, but...

Ooh. TIme to go home.


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