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22:58 - May 18, 2002
the only way
I like new things (usually), so when Patty handed me an invitation to 'Peace in a Troubled World', this 'church thing,' (she said, shrugging), I thought I'd go. We started off eating. The building wasn't really a church; it was just a brick building set in the center of a block near UIC.

So why can you show people killing each other on television but you can't show nipples? Why can you show implied rape and not literal consenting sex? What's more detrimental to a child's well being, seeing someone screaming and dying or seeing a couple fuck lovingly? Which one is gonna produce a future inmate?

The eating went on forever, during which I discovered 'Bubbles in a Bottle', which I fell in love with and proceeded to accidentally hyperventilate off the fumes with while there was a skit onstage about suicide. ('It's okay, it's okay.. don't die'.... 'HACK! HACK! GASP!')

And if you were to destroy all the money in the world, would everything collapse? Or would there be equality and a completely free world? Would we eliminate starvation or would people be killing each other for their belongings? Would people have belongings, without money?

Suddenly people were talking about God, seemingly out of nowhere. God will help you. God loves you. You have sin within you. The only way to find peace and happiness is through the Lord. That's why you're here tonight. You may think it was just a coincedence but It's Not! It's Not! It's Not! God has a purpose for your life and the purpose is to come here and receive Him into your heart! Now bow your head and pray with me! (In my head, the sound of a whip lashing.)

Why do politicians put so much emphasis on 'doing what's right' in their campaigns and then contradict themselves completely later? (Well, I know why; it's because they're deceitful lying assholes, but why do people keep voting for them?) Why do we want to keep repeating the past over and over and over and over? Is it because we're scared? Where are we going to be in a hundred years? George Bush and Dick Cheney and slightly more fucking machinery?

He bowed his head and said a prayer that we had to repeat that involved a lot of "take me, Lord"s, and "i surrender myself to You, Lord"s, and at the time I felt somber because I had just seen Courtney make a speech about her father dying, so I wasn't thinking about laughing, as it wasn't funny.. I mean, the prayer was, but not the situation.... and I heard Patty praying beside me, reciting the 'rid me of all sin', and wondered if she had ever committed anything resembling a sin. She's so quiet, so unassuming, so... (boring would have come to mind a few years ago, but she's not, not really)... plain. I always wonder what she thinks about when she thinks deeply. God, I guess.

God is not a bad thing. He helps a lot of people, whether he is an idea or a being. He has also caused people to do horrific things in his name. Like anything else in this world... like anything you could think of. Sugar cookies and blood and grass and ice and the blue sky and the gray water.

I will not respect anyone who tells me their way is the 'only way'.


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