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16:20 - December 03, 2002
There is nothing I want more than to be your midnight safe haven. When you jolt awake from a horrific nightmare I want to hear your knock at my door. Your feet would have had to pad all the way down the hall, or up or down on the elevator or on the freezing outdoor concrete stairs. I have never had any desire to be a parent, but I want your face peeking around the doorjamb, tearstreaked, framed by flannel pajamas. I want you to want me to sing you back to sleep. I want you to want me to fall asleep next to you when I've finished singing. I want to be the first place you'd go.

I want not to be the one having nightmares, and I want not to be too scared to wake you up in the middle of the night to cry in the hollow of your shoulder. I want to be sure you wouldn't kick me out.


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