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8:27 p.m. - March 20, 2002
my mom scares rich people
I love my mother in public, because she scares rich people.
'Fucking fuck, fuck FUCK,' said my mother roughly two hours go, in the centre of a crowded, quiet, fancy restaurant. 'What do you FUCKING mean you don't take credit cards? I don't have any cash! I don't have forty bucks. Oh no no. Fuck. I'm fucked.' She stopped when she saw an old woman reach for her inhaler. The people at the table next to us had literally stopped eating to watch her. I almost hated to tell her I had some cash, because that meant she would calm down.

What she says: 'Want to come bowling with me and some friends?'
What he hears: 'Want to get married and have a teeming mob of children?'

::sigh:: the yawning chasms between the sexes.


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